Friday, September 28, 2012


Blog 25 28/09

If you have yet to hear, I am home.

After 36 hours, 3 blessed flights and a wonderful day in Brussels I arrived in Cape Town on Monday morning.

My disembarkation from the M/V Africa Mercy was brought forward on Saturday due to extra security measures needing to be taken, resulting from the political strikes happening in Conakry. There was a chance that the other Mercy Shippers on the same flight and I would not be able to reach the airport as a result of these.

After much prayer and planning we were blessed with a smooth and secure airport run. Once there though, I was shocked with the realisation that I was lacking the Visa exemption.  Unlike the other people in the group I was with, I was the only one to have not flown into Conakry and was therefore not emailed this important document. The first man was most unhelpful and would not try and help me, simply sending me away.
Praying a lot I passed this man to another lady who had just opened a booth. After some time she allowed me through, relieving my acute stress.

From Conakry we flew to Banjul- The Gambia- to allow passengers of and receive more before departing for Brussels. Arriving early in the Belgian capital, I met a good family friend, Laurent. We went to the apartment he was staying in, ate and went to a large market with the best looking produce I have ever seen! 

We then dropped his friend at the train station and walked around the richly historical and cultural areas of Brussels, seeing Cathedrals, quaint streets, the famous Mannekin Pis and many state buildings. After much walking on the cold Sunday morning, we went for mussels. Laurent had always told me about ‘The mussels from Brussels’. They certainly were delicious!

He then dropped me at the airport where I caught my light to London. From there it was a hurried passage through the large terminal five to my gate where I was one of the last to embark.

The Lord put a wonderful man in the seat next to me (or me next to him!) and we chatted at length about Mercy Ships and the functioning of such a religious organisation. He really helped me to digest some of the experiences of the last 8 months.  

Having my bag checked twice (and passing the check both times!), I met my family at 8 am. I was very glad to have my Grandma and Betty there as well.

The Lord filled my flights with safety, comfort and good company. My bags met me in Cape Town and nought was amiss!

Now for the last days aboard Africa Mercy.

As the baker was taking leave, I volunteered to make breakfast and bake in my last week. This meant rising at 3am in order to prepare porridge, boiled eggs and French toast/crumpets/pancakes/cheese scones/biscuits for the crew. I sincerely enjoyed this different experience of the galley. With Zamani, a day worker experienced in the bakery, we would bake about 80 loaves of bread and then by lunch I would be finished, giving me time to sleep or complete the things that needed to be before I left. It also meant I had the evenings off to go to talks or socialise.

I hosted a small, 3 course dinner for friends a few days before leaving. We had salad with a Dijon dressing, prawn curry over cinnamon rice and chocolate coffee cake with cookie-dough-ice-cream. I was blessed with unexpected speeches and a few tears.

We also had a pizza and games night and cinnamon roll breakfast. The last days were very relaxing and pleasant.

Again, thank you for reading this year. Thank you for praying and supporting me. If you would like to meet up to chat about my experiences or email me, please do.

Now I will be working as a waiter at the Cavendish branch of the Food Lovers Market and helping around the house. I must also confirm my studies with UCT in the coming days.
 Simon, Anna, Mum, Bex and Betty at the airport- I arrived on Heritage day!

 My pot of mussels!
 We made over one thousands croissants in the bakery two weeks ago!
 Crumpets- a Hedge House Guest House recipe!
 Galley tradition on ones last day!
 Zamani and me with fresh white loaves
 Laurent and me at a public garden
 Mannekin Pis in his latest attire
 Laurent and me at lunch
This Upside Down Pineapple Cake was on the menu the first night I arrived on the ship. It looked delicious but I was sick. The chef promised to make it before me before I left- she left it to my last night aboard :)

Love Ben

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